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It is after much thought that I have changed my name to The Savvy Supermom. Why you ask? Well, after a couple months now of talking to friends and acquaintances about my blog and having to repeat "Savvy Suburban Supermom" several times, I realized that although the alliteration is clever, it's just too many words! So I shortened it, and well the truth is that The Savvy Supermom isn't just found in Suburbia, she's EVERYWHERE.
I hope you'll keep up with me as I make the transition. I've already transferred all my posts to the The Savvy Supermom and from now on I will be posting there. Savvy Suburban Supermom will still stay up with it's archives but when I eventually make the transition to the domain name ( make sure you add "THE" in front of the name, you know, like The Pioneer Woman (whom I adore). For now, please go ahead and check out my new home and bookmark the new site, or if want to be emailed for updates at the new site just go ahead and click here.
Stay Savvy Y'all!
I've find that in the in-between weather pairing a bright light weight blouse with jeans or even khaki's kicks things up a notch. It's just as easy to throw on as a sweatshirt and jeans, just better looking.
This Sunday we were running terribly late for church so I threw on jeans instead of looking for a skirt or a pair of slacks. It's not that our church is formal, tons of people wear jeans, but I don't always get a chance to be out and about so many people during the week so I sometimes like kicking up a notch on Sunday because...well...because I can!

The Breakdown.
DKNY jeans (FREE Plato's Closet exchange/ARP $50), Michael Kors suede & bronze leather belt ($2 thrift store/ARP $50), Apt. 9 shirt ($5 thrift store/ARP $40), gold Nine West leather kitten heels ($5 Kohl's/ARP $60), Fossil patent leather purse ($40 eBay/ARP $180).
Grand Total: $52
Approximate Retail Price: $380
Savvy Savings: $328
Anyway, I ran out of the house in this and my husband commented several times that day that he liked this outfit on me so I took note, and when I went on my buying spree on Sunday afternoon I bought two shirts along the same vein. All the shirts are machine washable and because they are either crinkly or a poly-blend I don't have to iron them! Woo-hoo!
Stay Savvy Y'all!
What a weekend! I think we spent the whole of it outside in front of our house. Whether it was tending to the lawn and garden or just sitting on the grass with several of our other neighbors just talking and watching the kids play, it was truly lovely. Of course I did get a chance to visit Goodwill for a couple hours on Sunday (seriously, I love wandering around and I always try on the clothes so it was a good two hours). Make sure you check out that post, I detail how I got about $800 worth of clothing for just $37.
This savvy little outfit was actually from Friday, but I was having way too much fun outside this weekend to come in and post (sorry Y'all!). Although it was sunny outside, it was a little chilly with the wind, not that I'm complaining, it's better than the snow up north.
The Breakdown.
Sunny Leigh cotton jacket ($12 Macy's/ARP $70 ), Maurice skirt ($4 thrift store new with tags/ARP $24), Franco Sarto suede boots (birthday gift/ARP $150), Lucky Brand red suede & patent purse ($44 Belk's/ARP $190).
Grand Total: $60
Approximate Retail Price: $434
Savvy Savings: $374
This weekend I took a break and ran out to the local thrift store for a couple hours. I say "a couple hours" because I was there for about 2 hours. I like perusing all the sections, chatting with the employees, and I always try on clothes. I would venture to say I tried on at least 30 pieces of clothing, of which I ended up with 10 items (technically 11 since 1 of the pieces was a twin set).
Besides 1/2 off several of the items because they were one of the colors of the day, a fellow customer offered me the use of her discount card which gave me an additional 20% off my entire purchase bringing my total to $36.57. Mathematically speaking that means each piece averaged about $3.30.The Breakdown.
Gap sweater set - $3/ARP $60
Tracy Reese dress - $8/ARP $250
Ann Taylor black & white striped shirt $2.15/ARP $60
Apt. 9 stripped shirt - $4.29/ARP $40
Levi's long denim skirt (new with tags still on it) - $4/ARP $40
Diesel plum colored jacket - $4/ARP $200
SLB turquoise green blue shirt - $4.29/ARP $30
Lena Gabriel New York long black skirt - $4/ARP $75
Totes leopard umbrella (new with tags) - $2/ARP $10
Blue satin Chinese shirt - $4.29/ARP $20
Grand Total: $37
Approximate Retail Price: $785
Savvy Savings: $748

What I love is that the cardigan from the twin set matches two of the shirts I bought perfectly, as well as the dress, which is why I bought it. I am NOT the kind of woman that wears strapless dress. As a D-cup girl, I just don't feel comfortable doing that, however, with a cardigan and in this color, it just looked beautiful when I tried it on. In other words, I would have missed a great outfit if I had just passed up the dress just because it was strapless. Besides, when I looked up Tracy Reese, her dresses run from $200-$400. You can get them on eBay for $100 and up, but for the most part, a comparable dress today would cost about $300. EEK!
The Diesel jacket is just cool. I would have never paid $200 for a plum colored jacket but for $4 I found something that is a little trendy and different from what everyone else is wearing. Like the Diesel jacket, the long denim Levi's skirt and even the bright colored shirts are not necessarily "classics", but at prices like these just wearing them a handful of times more than pays for it, after which time I can either a) go to Plato's Closet for an exchange when it's more fashion forward b) sell it on eBay (like the Tracy Reese dress or Diesel jacket) or c) donate it and get a tax write-off. In each case I end up either making money or breaking even.
I can't wait to wear the bright blue Chinese satin shirt with a black pencil skirt for a party or even a date night. It's definitely not a "practical" piece, but it's a fun one for sure. The little Totes umbrella was on my "be on the lookout list" because I wanted a new one to put in the car glove compartment for those sudden Spring showers since the kids broke all the other ones because I wasn't willing to pay $10 for one.
All-in-all it was a very successful shopping day. I figure with the clothes I bought I can make at least 20 new outfits with what I already have in my closet, which means I'll be going through my closet today and tomorrow so I can take some to Plato's Closet and donate some to the AMVETS which has a truck coming by our neighborhood tomorrow. I'll let you know how the Plato's Closet trip goes!
Till then Stay Savvy!
I wore this cute Angela Adams tote yesterday. I found it at the thrift store and was drawn to the pattern and colors. Angela Adams' work is viewed as part of the urban design movement. She started with textiles, rugs, tiles, more home design items, but she dabbles in clothes and bags as well.
In my opinion she gives a bit of a modern edge to retro designs and colors. So while this outfit may not be "urban" (I mean, c'mon, there's a rosette on the sweater) I'd like to think the addition of the purse keeps this outfit from looking boring in its basic-ness. In truth the bag is more pink than true red, but I think the nuances of color work well rather than a perfect matchy-matchy look, and well, it holds a lot. Great for a mom on the go. I would have used this for a diaper bag if had been around when the Superstars were in diapers!
The Breakdown.
Kenneth Cole faux wrap sweater ($6 thrift store/ARP $150 ), white tank top ($3 For Love 21/ARP $3), DKNY jeans (FREE Plato's Closet because of trade-ins/ARP $50), Franco Sarto brown leather heels ($5 thrift store/ARP $90), Angela Adams tote ($6 thrift store/ARP $85).Grand Total: $20
Approximate Retail Price: $378
Savvy Savings: $358
Talk about incredible weather! It's a balmy, breezy 72 degrees outside. The Superstars spent a good portion of the day outside today. With my in-laws here I figured we could skip a day of school this week and enjoy the weather, because it still may end up snowing here before Spring hits. That's just Music City for ya'.
The Breakdown.
Merona white cotton cardigan ($5 Target/ARP $23 ), white lace tank ($4 Rave/ARP $4), Spiegel denim skirt ($4 thrift store/ARP $29), tan leather J.Crew heels ($4 thrift store/ARP $150), Angela Adams purse ($6 thrift store/ARP $85).
Grand Total: $23
Approximate Retail Price: $291
Savvy Savings: $268
Like any Supermom, sometimes the easiest thing to wear is the thing you didn't put away last time,and well, like my jeans, denim skirts don't always end up in the laundry hamper after wearing it once. After all, I may have only done a quick trip to the grocery store after a day of PJs in the house, and then really, do you HAVE to wash the entire outfit just because you wore it?
This skirt was folded nicely at the end of my bed on our bench (the reason why I didn't hang it up escapes me right now, but I'm sure it was, uh, a good one) I grabbed it for today even though I had just worn it Sunday. But you good folks won't hold that against me, will you?
Stay Savvy Y'all!
Funny enough, after my warning about St. Patrick's day it took me a bit to find an outfit. I should have saved last week's outfit for today! However, it was a good opportunity to mix-and-match, an essential savvy skill needed to make the most of your clothing!
The Breakdown.
Liz Claiborne skirt ($4 thrift store/ARP $60 ), Rave lace tank ($4 Rave/ARP $4), Baccini denim jacket ($9 TJ Maxx/ARP $40), diba cuffed "suede" boots ($10 thrift store/ARP $150), Ripani leather purse (FREE Plato's Closet trade-in/ARP $400)
Grand Total: $27
Approximate Retail Price: $654
Savvy Savings: $627