This weekend I took a break and ran out to the local thrift store for a couple hours. I say "a couple hours" because I was there for about 2 hours. I like perusing all the sections, chatting with the employees, and I always try on clothes. I would venture to say I tried on at least 30 pieces of clothing, of which I ended up with 10 items (technically 11 since 1 of the pieces was a twin set).
Besides 1/2 off several of the items because they were one of the colors of the day, a fellow customer offered me the use of her discount card which gave me an additional 20% off my entire purchase bringing my total to $36.57. Mathematically speaking that means each piece averaged about $3.30.
The Breakdown.
Gap sweater set - $3/ARP $60
Tracy Reese dress - $8/ARP $250
Ann Taylor black & white striped shirt $2.15/ARP $60
Apt. 9 stripped shirt - $4.29/ARP $40
Levi's long denim skirt (new with tags still on it) - $4/ARP $40
Diesel plum colored jacket - $4/ARP $200
SLB turquoise green blue shirt - $4.29/ARP $30
Lena Gabriel New York long black skirt - $4/ARP $75
Totes leopard umbrella (new with tags) - $2/ARP $10
Blue satin Chinese shirt - $4.29/ARP $20
Grand Total: $37
Approximate Retail Price: $785
Savvy Savings: $748

I can't wait to wear the bright blue Chinese satin shirt with a black pencil skirt for a party or even a date night. It's definitely not a "practical" piece, but it's a fun one for sure. The little Totes umbrella was on my "be on the lookout list" because I wanted a new one to put in the car glove compartment for those sudden Spring showers since the kids broke all the other ones because I wasn't willing to pay $10 for one.
All-in-all it was a very successful shopping day. I figure with the clothes I bought I can make at least 20 new outfits with what I already have in my closet, which means I'll be going through my closet today and tomorrow so I can take some to Plato's Closet and donate some to the AMVETS which has a truck coming by our neighborhood tomorrow. I'll let you know how the Plato's Closet trip goes!
Till then Stay Savvy!
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