So I figure after all this time it's only fair to give the Superstars their due when it comes to children's savvy fashion. They had a great time posing (as you can tell from the hand on the hips thing going on...guess they have been watching Mom even when they don't listen to her).
When it comes to savvy savings on children's clothes, it's amazingly easy. Since I got to a thrift store usually 3-4 times a month I always stop at the children's section to do a quick-through. At Goodwill the children's clothing from baby to 2 years is $1.99 and from 2 years to about 4/5 (sometimes 6X depending on who's doing the tagging) is just $2.49. Then after that 6x/7 and up to adults is $3.49 a piece. Shoes for the little ones are usually $1.99 to $3.99 sometimes higher if they realize it's a good brand name or if it's boots. Older kids run $$2.99 to maybe $5.99.
The Superstars are on the low side of the growth curve and so I've not had to worry about them outgrowing things too quickly but even if they did, for just $10-$20 for a full outfit (shirt, pants, shoes and sometimes jacket) it's not going to break the bank. Yes, shoes & underwear are always bought new...as if!?
Superstar #1 Breakdown
Cherokee black cotton jacket (Target $3.50), Cherokee raspberry polka-dot shirt/dress ($3 Target), black tights ($3 Walmart), Hello Kitty purse ($2 thrift store), black patent leather Gap loafers ($3 thrift store). Grand Total: $14.50
Superstar #2 Breakdown
Gymboree cord jacket ($2.50 thrift store), Children's Place cord skirt ($2.50 thrift store), Cherokee long sleeve shirt (part of 2 piece $1.75 outfit at Target so let's say $1.40), brown tights ($3 K-Mart with coupon), black Circo shoes (Target $3.50). Grand Total: $10.90
As a note although I do respect the idea of quality made clothes, I'm not sure there is anything so different between a $40 shirt from a Gymboree store and a $7 shirt from Target that's going to really "pay-off" in the long run. Goodness when kids are young you are lucky if they wear it for one whole year, even luckier if it fits the next kid(s) in line! That said, if you have the money then by all means, do it! Me, personally, I would just rather take the extra $30 I save and go out for lunch or a movie with the Superstars.
Really, they don't care when they are young and if you make too much of it when they are young, they are going to remember and push for it when they are teenagers. Been to an Abercrombie youth store lately? My goodness, the prices are more than what I would spend for myself!
Anyway, do check your local thrift store or consignment store and always remember to cruise the sale racks at your local Target, Walmart and even mall stores. You never know what you might find!
Great to see your finds for kids - your two are lucky to have a fashion maven mom...by the way, I nominated you for a Lemonade Award for your blog. More details at karlasbonanza!