We've been talking about changing the room up a bit by buying a new "bed". Right now her headboard is a piece of plywood with padding and Dora fabric which we got for free, against which a pop-up trundle bed is pushed. We're not sure what we're going to do and yet, it's not a priority so we're not really in any hurry. I do, however, look forward to getting rid of the Dora stuff!
Superstar's #2 Room

Superstar #2's room is a perfect example of what I think the two most important aspects of savvy savings in general are: 1) be patient and 2) be willing to compromise. Although I am someone who really thrives with order or at least the appearance thereof, I am willing to leave empty spaces and wait until I find what I want at the price I want it. I also don't really go into decorating thinking I HAVE to have a certain item. The room kind of evolves as it goes. There's a lot less stress that way as well. Kids for the most part, don't care as much as we do about such things.
I admit, I am not a theme kind of person. I didn't want a Disney Princess Room or a Dora room, but I found several Dora items for so cheap or free that I've "embraced it" for this season (from 2 to 4 years old) because I knew that it wouldn't be that way forever AND because I knew I could recoup the cost by selling off the Dora's things when we made the change. The point being that it was what made itself available at the time for a price I was willing to pay, and my daughter loved it. She's the one who has recently said she is ready to change things, so we'll see what makes itself available as we start to look!

The bed was actually the least expensive part of this room. We got the headboard for free from a friend of ours whose daughter loved Dora too. The bedframe itself is a pop-up trundle from a thrift store where it was $17, but with a frequent buyer card discount ($10 off for your 10th purchase of $10 or more) it was just $7.
The Dora cubby holder was a surprise find at Big Lots for $15. It use to hold board books (before we did the built-ins for the bonus room) and now we use it to hold various extra animals & dress up clothes or whatever little bits of stuff that doesn't need to be all over the floor.
The dresser was a thrift store find for $20. It too was dark brown but after a couple coats of white semi-gloss paint it and $10 worth of hardware (I had the single knobs on hand and bought 6 cup pulls on eBay for $1.39 each) I have a great dresser that Superstar #2 can reach all the drawers and pick out/put away all her clothes herself.
The hamper was a thrift store find for $5. It was already white so no painting required there. The Dora sofa was a $5 thrift store find. The cover is removable so we sanitized and then washed everything before we used it. It folds out to a bed and she's actually had a "sleep over" in her sister's room using it.

The duvet cover is the same as Superstar #1's "alternative" set. It was $15 for the cover and pillowcase at IKEA. The duvet itself was $20 at IKEA. The bedskirt was $2 at the thrift store. The two shams match her sisters but are flipped over to showcase the pink polka dot side (versus the red/green/pink gingham showcased in her sister's room). With the pillow insert they were about $10 a piece.
The curtains are my favorite and part of what we'll use to build on as we move forward. They were given to me by my friend. They are Pottery Barn and I love them. They were, however, a little too short for my taste. I always hang my curtains nearer to the ceiling in order to give the appearance of a taller room. My friend also gave me the little "cafe curtains" that matched in pink gingham, and I just sewed them onto the bottom in order to give it the height I wanted. The wood rod & hardware was $8 at Big Lots.
Art, Accessories & Lighting - $57
The three pictures above the dresser wasn't really a planned thing. I bought them at the 90% off after Valentines day sale at Target for a total of $8. Having said that, I like the pop of color they bring which helps to tie in the red in the duvet covers. They are fun and simple pieces that can not only be used in her room, but should we changed things around in her sister's room, matches that color scheme as well. The Dora lamp was a gift from Nana & Pappy and with the little twist switch on the cord, something she can turn on and off very easily.

The three pictures in her hang-out corner (formerly the reading corner) and the one on the left of the curtains were Dollar Tree frames (4 at $1 each) then I used a yard of $1 a yard fabric from Walmart to create a pink polka dot mat showcasing some fun 8x10 pictures of the Superstars. The little fairy that holds her bathrobe & pajamas matches her sisters and came from the thrift store for $1.
Whereas Superstar #1 has a star lamp, Superstar #2 has a chandelier in her room. I bought it at Target on sale for $20 and just added the beaded lampshades which I found at Lowe's for $4 a piece. We put the light on a dimmer ($8 extra) and it adds a special touch to her room that I know she'll still love when she's older. Who knows, the Superstars may decide to switch their lamps too at some point.
Final Words
I hope if anything these last two days have been encouraging, whether it's to say "We did a WHOLE lot better than that for our kids rooms" or just to say "Hey, it's ok not to have it all together!" Work with what you've got, change things out from other rooms, dig in the attic and see what might work if you just add a coat of paint.
Other places to check that are great for savvy savings for decorating kid's rooms:
People are constantly listing furniture, and there are always a bunch of kid's items. Sometimes they even give things away for FREE! I've seen twin bed frames for less than $20. You can make a custom headboard with just a board from Lowe's, padding from Jo-ann's and your choice of fabric (and a staple gun). I did one for our Master Bedroom that I'll share in another post soon.
Garage Sales
Granted it's a little cold outside, but some people are still having them. There are definite deals to be had at garage sales. Get there early though since furniture is usually the first to go. Garage sales are also great for getting artwork for cheap as well as those little extras like bins, baskets, hampers, and lamps.
Consignment Stores
The stores near our house always have furniture of some sort and they always have artwork. Sometimes it's new and you still pay a premium, othertimes they have odds and ends, like bookcases that are still cheaper than running to Target and getting the Closetmaid version.
Consigment Sales
Like the consignment store you are buying a used item, usually. Items tend to be priced less than consignment stores since it's only an event lasting a couple days. This is another great place to find artwork, bedding and furniture. If you sell at the consignment sale you'll get first dibs by being able to buy the day before the sale opens to the public.
These are just a few of the ideas on where to build a savvy kids room with style. More than anything, have fun with it - It's a kids room!
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