The Breakdown.
Merona argyle sweater (thrift store $6/ARP $25), X2 Express Jeans ($4 thrift store/ARP $60), white tank ($2.50 For Love 21/ARP $3), Gianni Bini bronze boots ($6 thrift store/ARP $100), Banana Republic leather purse ($41 eBay/ARP $200), Style & Co. brown wool coat ($17 Macy's sale/ARP $130).
Grand Total: $77
Approximate Retail Price: $518
Savvy Savings: $441
Wow, I'm always surprised when my Grand Total is that high! Of course, it's because $41 of it is a purse and $17 is the jacket, but considering that the purse retailed for about $200 and the jacket was originally $130, I think it's safe to say that $76.50 is MUCH better than $300+...and that's just using retail for those two items. Add the other items at retail and the total would be over $500.
If that's not savvy shopping then I don't know what is!
Love it, and I'll give you $60 for the bag! As long as it doesn't have a black lining. :) Or if you find one on ebay for me, I'll pay you a finder's fee!